HK | 香港
PMQ 元創方, A座, 6/F, S603, 中環鴨巴甸街35號
PMQ 元創方, S603, 6/F, 中環鴨巴甸街35號
SG | 新加坡
CYC Made to Measure, 13 Stamford Rd, #01-12/13/14 Capitol Singapore, Singapore 178905
I hold a MA in Design Practice in School of Design HK and a BA(Hons) in Industrial Design from Kent Institute of Art and Design in the UK, and am a seasoned product designer. Throughout my academic years, I was the recipient of numerous design awards, and have since worked with major brands such as Habitat Furniture, Mathmos Lighting, and SCP, among others. Additionally, I have taught design thinking, cultural sustainability, social innovation, and footwear design at the School of Design in Hong Kong.
My guiding philosophy centers around the belief that design must strike a balance between tradition and innovation in order to create services and products that are both meaningful and sustainable. I am passionate about making a positive impact on the future through my work in design.
About Shoe Artistry
Shoe Artistry is a bespoke leather shoe business that incorporates craftsmanship, foot health, and technology. My wife and I have taken over and rejuvenated a 40-year-old shoe store, Ming Kee Shoes in HK. Our company specializes in creating custom-made leather shoes for both men and women. We use 3D foot scanners to ensure precise measurements for each customer, and are proud to be the first to integrate 3D printed insoles into our leather shoes. This unique combination allows us to create shoes that fit perfectly and provide the appropriate level of support to our customers.
In a generation where both work and health are equally important, why not let Shoe Artistry provide you and your team with the best custom-made leather shoes and insole services?
Shoe Artistry offers custom-made and bespoke leather shoes and insole services to ensure that you and your team have the most appropriate footwear, which can improve work efficiency and protect foot health. We also provide professional foot health advice and products, with the goal of providing you with the best footwear and foot health solution, allowing you to feel the importance of comfort and health in both work and life.
我持有香港設計學院的設計實踐碩士學位和英國肯特藝術與設計學院的工業設計學士學位,並且是一名經驗豐富的產品設計師。在我的學術生涯中,我多次獲得設計獎項,並曾與Habitat Furniture、Mathmos Lighting和SCP等主要品牌合作。此外,我還在香港設計學院教授設計思維、文化可持續性、社會創新和鞋類設計等課程。
鞋藝工舘是一家手工訂製皮鞋企業,結合工藝、足部健康和技術。 Kit及其丈夫繼承了一家有40年歷史的鞋店,使其重新煥發活力。鞋藝工舘提供男女訂製皮鞋服務,使用3D足部掃描儀對客戶足部進行準確測量,同時是第一家將3D打印鞋墊整合到皮鞋中的公司。這樣,工舘就可以製作出完美合腳、提供最適當支撐的皮鞋。
©2023 SHOE ARTISTRY. Designed and created by Dean Loh.
The TWINTreads Group of companies is thrilled to announce the acquisition of 【SHOEARTISTRY HANDMADE】, marking a foray into premium footwear at competitive prices. This blend of affordability and exceptional quality sets a new standard in elegant and comfortable footwear, offering a global boon to customers.
TWINTreads 公司集团很高兴地宣布收购 【SHOEARTISTRY HANDMADE 鞋藝工舘】,开启高品质竞争性价格的优质鞋类市场。这种价格实惠与卓越品质的结合,树立了优雅舒适鞋类的新标准,为全球客户带来福音。